
@TheStyclarSaga oh my YESS!!! HUSHHUSH <3 ohh dude have you read Clockwork angels my gwadddd.... if you havnt add it to the list ADD IT WITHOUT HESITATION! lolol cx & I agree Jamie Bower Is damn hot in The Mortal Instruments instead of looking constipated in twilight && ah girl welcome welcome to the crew of one person (2 now c;) 


@TheStyclarSaga oh my YESS!!! HUSHHUSH <3 ohh dude have you read Clockwork angels my gwadddd.... if you havnt add it to the list ADD IT WITHOUT HESITATION! lolol cx & I agree Jamie Bower Is damn hot in The Mortal Instruments instead of looking constipated in twilight && ah girl welcome welcome to the crew of one person (2 now c;)