Here's one last sneak peek of Cobra Kai Season 6 Part 3 of the Chosen One of the Valley:
Ben as a Cobra Kai Team Captain began to step up on the mat as he began to face his former friend Axel on the All Valley Sports Arena in the Sekai Taikai final match.
Ben: "You hurt my family! This ends now!"
Ben yelled at Axel.
Axel: "Now you know my anger. The pain I've felt for five years. And you made the same choice."
Axel tells him.
Ben: "I'm nothing like you!'
He fired back.
Axel: "We'll see."
He tells him, as the two of them began their fighting stances.
A/N: Imagine if Ben was Sonic and Axel was Shadow in Sonic The hedgehog 3.