
Hello. I may have not beet here for awhile. It's been a long time. I had to take a long break. I'm back now, I will be deleting books I have recently published and I will be renewing my auto-biography. Hope you all are safe.


Hi everyone.. It's been awhile yes. A lot has happened yes. I'm here because I'm starting to work on poms and my stories. Why have I been gone? School, band, play, shows/performances, practice, soccer, and just had no time. With the corona crap and being quarantined, I have time because I can't go out even though I want to. Hope everyone is safe and healthy. Please keep a look out on my newest book. Thank you all and have a safe day!
          ~Stella/Shawn Hearts


this message may be offensive
            Enjoy being with your bf, I'll forever be alone in my shit life, sis ;w; 


Hey, Stella! Sam here. 
          | |You may know me as Anna.| |
          I came here to tell you that I wish on your troublesome journey and I hope all goes well with you! You are a glorious writer and I don't want you to feel so worried about publishing chapters in your book. 
          Believe me, I used to do that all the time. I learned that, if I kept doing that, it'd just make me feel more stressed and less likely to update better chapters. Don't rush yourself. Take your time and be careful with yourself.


I wish you luck* on your troublesome journey.)


Hey Everyone... Stella Hearts here... A lot has been going in my head..... I'm trying to do as many books as I can...


Hey, listen, I would say for you to calm down, focus on your school work and then when you have the time and/or the chance to make more books then you do that? Don’t pressure yourself into doing the books and doing work for school or for family ok


Where Have I Been?:
          Hey everyone! This is Stella Hearts here! As you may have seen, I haven't updated my books for a while. There's a reason. A lot has been on my plate lately and it's been hard to type ideas as I try to do everything. Some books I haven't touched in months and I want to! PLEASE BARE WITH ME! By the time summer comes around I MIGHT be a little less busy (besides me trying to get a summer job and Marching Band, Soccer, etc.)
          So basically I've been trying to get my head together and done lots of stuff like Acting, Jazz Ensemble, Marching Band, Therapy, home-instruction- 
          You: WAIT WHAT??!
          *sighs* Yeahhh something... personally happened to me... I don't wanna discuss it now.... 
          A-Anyway! On Saturday, I have a competition for Jazz Ensemble and I'm going to SIX FLAGS! Marching Band will be starting at the end of August, Actin g class and Hip-Hop will start in September-October, soccer is well anytime, and with Freshman year almost over Sophomore year is coming, I have to make sure to stay on task!
           I CARE ABOUT YOU ALL AND YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!! Love you my cuties!!!


@StellaHearts who wanted to know? jk jk, im teasin' ya, sis! love ya