Got myself an untamed parrot... Idk what breed it is cuz the shop owner looked like a shady guy. He kept saying a name of a breed which starts with "p" (but I have the memory of a goldfish so who knew I wouldn't remember the name of the breed ) ; so I looked it up and found "Pionus". I reeeaaallly have no idea about anything at this point XD Anyway it bit me twice ;-; But he should know I'm a sad and stubborn b**ch who won't back down that easily. I got him 5 days ago. Now he -- albeit cautiously and sometimes doesn't -- eats apples from my hand. I haven't heard his voice at all... once or twice I think... maybe he's a child. BUT I'M SO HAPPY :'D If someone has experience with parrots and breeds and whatnot, please help me >_< I'll do my own research too ( ._.)
@Mikalaya1500 Actually no XD I haven't set up a name for him yet. Pionus is his breed's name ._.