-Hello guys
-A few days ago ,i got informed that the side storys i chared here are fanfics written by MOS
-First I want to apologize for my mistake, i really thought they're official
-Someone on tiktok chared em saying they're official so i believed em and decided to post it here on wp so that everyone can read em (ofc with that person's agreement)
-Since its reaaaly hard to get info about passion ,its normal for us to get confused , and all this is because of the koreans and their gatekeeping mentality
-So ,for not to spread misinformation any longer I will delete all the stories i chared here ,and ofc i will put the author's link on "intro" ,so you can find them there
-Finally ,to apologize for my mistakes i will be charing here the official side storys i could collect ( bahaha and it wasn't easy to find em !)