Hello, new followers, and thank you everyone for your comments! I'm so, so delighted to have you all reading along. A new episode is out today, and I also wanted to take a sec and introduce myself and Paxwood.
I started Paxwood for NaNoWriMo in 2011, fresh out of undergrad and unemployed, and I wrote drafts for the first six books all in one month, about 420k total words in all. (Don't worry--you're not getting those messy NaNoWriMo drafts.)
Since then, I've continued to grow my writing craft, got an MA/MFA in Children's Lit, and put a lot of energy toward traditional publishing, which is a path full of rejection. I needed to say "Yes" to myself, and my heart came circling back to Paxwood so that I could.
The story grows out of my interest in paranormal fiction like PN Elrod's Vampire Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the Dresden Files, and Supernatural, but also my love of old mythology and folklore.
I hope you enjoy your adventure with these characters as much as I do!