
Chapter 5 of Blush has been posted!


@StephaniFern wow that'll be great


Well, it's been a while since I've been active here. My father had been battling cancer these last months and unfortunately, he didn't win. He fought hard though. We just caught it too late. 
          Writing has been difficult during this struggle, but I'm going to try and get back into it. 
          Check in on your loved ones and cherish your moments with them. We never seem to have a much time with them as we think we do.


@StephaniFern May God be with you. Never bottle up your feelings, share it with ur bestfriend or someone else. I'm sorry for your loss, you're strong


It's hard, but I'll work through it. I'm not even 30 yet. There's so much that he won't get to see. 
            It's been a week and one day. We can't even have a funeral because of my state's group orders during this coronavirus situation. 
            Thanks for your condolences though. :)