
Haha...we were talking about Sherman's March in history and me and @julia_bruhhh said P. Sherman 42 Wallabe Way, Sydney and now I'm watching Finding Nemo. I just find it kind of ironic but I mainly find it funny!! xD


*Crawls out of bedroom window. Runs 5 miles. Does stunt roll across the highway. Jumps on top of a car. Car gets pulled over. Slyly climbs off of car so cops won't see. Runs 5 more miles. Stops at Starbucks. Gets an oreo frappuchino. Drinks frappuchino. Runs out of Starbucks. Runs to the hospital. Goes to 7th floor and tells nurse that parakeets are trying to eat my hands. Runs out of hospital and hides in a tree. Wings magically appear on back. Flies to private hill at midnight. Turns into a unicorn. Rest of unicorns appear. A guy runs up yelling that he wants to be in the tribe. Makes him a unicorn. Tells the unicorns to unite. Unicorns join their horns together. Leader Unicorn appears. Recruits me as his top unicorn. Unicorns run into a world full of candy, ice cream, and sweet drinks. Unicorns transform back into humans. Goes to school the next day. Hangs out with the unicorns in human form, even the new one. Becomes besties with the new unicorn.*
          Unicorns: @Sydberry_Unicorn @julia_bruhhh @swag_queen @LianaMahone @Penguins_29


@Penguins_29 new ahahahahahahahahaha


Nobody shall hurt my mini frog, @Sydberry_Unicorn