Hello everyone, due to some unforseen circumstances, this awards will be shutting down as I have been diagnosed with having the covid-19... I am so scared out of right now.. I don't even know how to come about it... Please stay safe and don't get infected! However, if you will be interested in joining another award, my fellow host will be putting that up soon. Once again, I sincerely apologize

@Steps234 Omg, get well soon and take care of you! That's the most important! Don't worry about the awards! Sending you tons of love and well wishes <3

@Steps234 Oh I'm sorry to hear that! I hope you get to feeling better soon! Please keep us all posted on how you are doing whenever you feel up to it. We love you!

@Steps234 Omg. I commit you into the hands of the Almighty. He will keep you, protect you and heal you. In Jesus' Name. Amen.