
It feels good to press the publish button.


Before I write this in a book, does 'her facial features framed by...' even work?


this message may be offensive
I'm a dumb dumb


Wait, what about 'her facial features are framed by'


You haven't experienced the FEELS yet? Well, heres a way to kickstart you way in the broad and endless world of FEELS
          Omg... just finished it. I need a couple of decades to recuperate. 
          Don't mind me *sniffle, sniffle* I'll just be in the corner *sniffle, sniffle* over... there...


Does anyone else get second hand embarrassment from characters in a book they're reading?
          Like, seriously? You've practically mind shouted at them to not do it, they're going to stuff up the whole freaking thing so close to the end of the book... And then... They do it. 
          This happened to me in the car on the way to school. I was reading and suddenly the moment arose for the character to be brilliant or a utterly and completely dumb butt brain. Aka: stupid.
          And they chose stupid and i had to put my book down. Take deep deep breathes for a minute while my mum driving the car looked at me like I needed serious help. 
          The intense need to chuck my book out the window of the car was so strong... Its a miracle I survived.
          My GOD it makes me... UGGGHHHHHHH


Wattpad was close by so I decided to type something I literally just read like 1..2..3..4...5..6..7.. Etc seconds ago.
          'Chris is dead. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to know it. But everything inside me said this kid would be found, but he'd be found dead.'
          Intense much??? Sorry, just felt like writing that.


I have to be the slowest author in history. I don't know of its good to have book written fast or not. Im confused. People will say... "Nononono take your time, let your creative juices flow and blah"
          But seriously???? 


I just figured out that I could sit oh Tumblr for like 5 hours straight and  not get bored typing random stuff that just pops in my head right after I press Post on the last one. 
          If i'm not careful my obsession could leak onto Wattpad... 


I have so much spare time on my hands because I've got a horrible flu that I think i'm going to start working on my long lost book about teens with wings. I got a terrible block a-while ago but I'm feeling refreshed enough to continue writing. :)