Just felt the need to share something, regarding what your Drawing Bloodlines Firewalker story includes in it's description. Soul Collectors. The image of a hooded man carrying the orb is what caught my eye. And the fact you too call them "Soul Collectors". Something that is more real than people might like to think. A lot of us have actually encountered them, as well as one who seems to lead them.
Ive been writing about them (and other "things"), keeping notes and logs for quite awhile now, and have been working what I personally have into a possible book myself.
This isn't something we usually do, as far as approaching anyone about something like this so bluntly. When I say "we", I refer to a grouo of us who experience what most would call "paranormal". But hell, they're not so subtle either, now are they.
I Haven't read your book(s) yet either. But I believe I will as soon as I am able. I venture it'll be interesting to see what another person has to say about those "little" (or not so little) things that go "bump in the night".