You know what I've learned? Being online consistently is hard. I've never been one to go on Facebook, or Twitter, I've never been on Instagram, or pretty much anything else. And when I'm committing to writing, finding time to pop online is just not a high priority. Even when I remember and think, "Hey, I should go on Wattpad and say something," I don't.
How do you guys do it? Is it something that comes naturally? Do you have to work at it? Or like me, do you rarely bother?
A quick update on my work:
-What I find MOST EXCITING: I have begun the process of paying someone to create book cover art for my Ruination Game series! I will be self-publishing it. If any of you have experience self publishing, I would LOVE to hear any advice you have - especially with advertising. I have a plan on how I want to release the series, but that's pretty much all I have so far. I need to do a lot of research, and I could use all the help I can get.
- I've finished the first draft of my alien book - not that it's all on here at this time. Some of it is. Maybe later I'll add more, we'll see.
-I'm working on a new book - a LONG book. Currently 37,000 words in and I'm not even half done. It's got 3 POV's, and will be an epic fantasy with some Urban Fantasy elements. Unfortunately, I do not intend to put on here. The format wouldn't go well - chapters are intentionally very long.
Hope you're all doing well. Sick-season is upon us and I, for one, hope to not get sick - which is unlikely since I have a 5 year old going to school, and who is already getting a cold :/