
If you find some of my chapters in Ebony Antebellum are different in the next few weeks, it's because I started editting them to be slightly shorter. I'm going to remove some of the unneccessary details per some of my critiques.


In honor of my 100th read today, I published multiple chapters rather than just one. Thanks for the support everyone! The latest chapters have no escalated the plot and we're now flying out of the Slums arc and into the Conservatory of Magic! Please Vote and Share Ebony Antebellum! New chapter will be here next month with side stories featuring on my Patreon! :)


Hey to all my beautiful new followers! I'm currently writing the next few chapters of Ebony Antebellum. Check out the story if you're interested in Dystopian Fantasy with a focus on race.
          The chapters will be released first on my patreon, however. So take a gander at it if you're down