
Thank everyone for reading my peaky blinder imagine story, it means a lot to hit 1k, love to all of you 


Together with @triniwoods (go follow her) I will be making her story that she is writing in English, if you want a royal aesthetic fanfiction then go read that right now! The English version will be posted soon probably it is now on german 


@Stevesgf posting the first chapter tomorrow. Thank you so much <3


So guys how do you deal with that your parents tell you that writing a book is making you a nerd and that it is a bad thing and that they tell you that you don’t have friends and that you are a nobody? How you deal wirh that?


You simply tell them to shut up. Because they have no right to disrespect such a queen  ✨


I have heard a lot of stuff about stories being deleted because of smut in it. I of course hope it is not true other way i dont totally understand it because most of us put warnings in our stories so they read it on their own risk. But if it happened to my story i will try my best to find out how ao3 works and post my story there. Also guys I’m working on chapter 2 now and it will have more then 10k words if to goes as planned and will be posted this week Sunday or next week. So my dears i hope you have a wonderful day and stay safe, love to all of you.


@Stevesgf I'm really excited ahh


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Guys I need your help! I wanna upload a Kylo Ren fanfiction but with all the drama going on I’m scared as fuck! Please help and tell me what u think girl.


@driverswhore thank u! Also check ur dms I need ur help!


@Stevesgf I’m sure I will :) I can’t wait 


@driverswhore yeah same, I hope when I have my Kylo fan fic done u will love it! 