
Question! So @Narrator123456789 asked me if player's sister would meet the rainbow friends and apologize for her brother's mistakes, and I have been thinking of having her show up again a few times when thinking of ideas and stuff, and I might end up doing it, but I wanna ask how y'all feel about it, would y'all like to see his sister apologize for him?


@ItJustZero I don't know, maybe Wattpad is saying you're now @Narrator123456789 XD


@StevieCat2023 Why is it saying I was mentioned in this? :skull:


@Whispling yeah I don't think they will forgive player, although they might end up liking his sister. (In a platonic way)


Question! So @Narrator123456789 asked me if player's sister would meet the rainbow friends and apologize for her brother's mistakes, and I have been thinking of having her show up again a few times when thinking of ideas and stuff, and I might end up doing it, but I wanna ask how y'all feel about it, would y'all like to see his sister apologize for him?


@ItJustZero I don't know, maybe Wattpad is saying you're now @Narrator123456789 XD


@StevieCat2023 Why is it saying I was mentioned in this? :skull:


@Whispling yeah I don't think they will forgive player, although they might end up liking his sister. (In a platonic way)


Hay guys! What are y'all's physical or mental disorders? Because I personally have autism (I think from my mom), depression (from both my mom and dad), really bad social anxiety, then I also have nearsightedness/myopia (I can't see stuff far away), and three bones in my ear didn't develop so I'm partly deaf, I have silent seizures (my mom and sisters also have it, it's when you go completely quiet and your staring off and you aren't thinking of anything, the brain won't get oxygen when that happens, the doctors told my mom about it), I'm perfectly fine though, but what about y'all, what do y'all have (if y'all have anything).


@RemyTheWeirdo no it's fine, you don't have to tell if you don't wanna.


(Here's everything I've been diagnosed with) :
            -DMDD (but my last 2 therapists and psychiatrists believe it was a misdiagnosis) 
            -ADHD symptoms (my last ADHD test came back negative) 
            I don't really have any current physical diagnosis' of any kind but I need glasses but I don't wear them. (I have problems reading stuff that's close to my face.) I've had physical problems before but I've been treated. 
            I've also been showing some symptoms for other things but I'll not be talking about them here because they were never diagnosed by a professional. 
            I don't like talking about my disorders online and to be honest I would prefer to avoid doing so as much as possible so I'm sorry if this was a bit awkward---. 


@THEONEANDONLYRAY_ no it's fine I just don't really know how to continue a conversation and I didn't want you to think I didn't see what you said, so I was just trying to leave a reply to show you I saw it and read it.


Happy fourth of July! I'm almost done moving, it might be another day or two (maybe more) but we're almost done, and my birthday is coming up, on July the 22, so I'm feeling better today, I wait for us to finally be done with moving.


Guys yesterday was an exhausting day, we were cleaning the house we would be moving into and then the lizard died like I said yesterday, but then the nanny died (it's someone in my family, I never met them but I've heard of them) and then when we got back to where we were staying at the moment to check on the animals red and spaz both got bit by a snake! It's 4:02 right now, I don't know if I'll go to sleep or not.


My mom's boyfriend toby, I talked about him before, the bearded dragon we got as a pet all together, he died today, Toby, my mom, and my sister are all upset, I just felt like I needed to get this out, because I don't know what to do.


@Cupcake_Muffin00 my mom said for me to tell you she said after her husband went to jail she was like "that's it I'm done with human men."


Did anyone watch the movie human centipede? Because I remember when I watched it and cried because the people didn't escape out alive, and my mom was like, no one watches human centipede to see the people make it out alive, she says I'm the only person she knows who got sad when the people didn't escape alive. 


Another weird dream
          Rainbow friends
          This happened a year ago, but I still remember it, and it happened a little bit before chapter two.
          So I was there with my brother, (I am a girl with a sister, but we were both guys, and he was older than me) we were driving on a long road and it was empty around us, I got blown up into air and I was flung around everywhere while we were driving, (the care didn't have a roof) after I got flung around I hit the ground a lot, then when we parked I stayed in the car, and I my brother turned to me and said that's why you wear a seatbelt, and the care broke down so we went looking walked down this path, (like where the bus would crash in rainbow friends) but as we were walking there were trimmed bushes, i heard a sound and hid behind the bushe, then I saw blue's shadow on the wall, so my brother went to go check it out even though I told him no, but he went and came back and said nothing was there, then we continued down the path and we found a house, it had two floors, but it wasn't extremely big, and we went in, and we got chased by the rainbow friends, instead, my brother ran up some stairs and left me behind and get them off me before running up after him, and when I got to the inside of the room my brother ran into, it was a bathroom, but I couldn't see anything, so I opened the shower curtain and he was sitting there playing a board game without his clothes on, (he didn't have any sex parts) and he was sitting in there with red, and red didn't have any clothes on either, (and red also didn't have any sexual parts) I turned around and put my hand out to the door dramatically and said, and the master mind behind it all was.... ANDY LAND!? Andy land walked in as I was saying that, with the other rainbow friends behind him, orange stole the keys and jumped out the window, I ran out after him, and chased him down the path way we came from, before waking up.


@Disneydasher2009 1 I don't know, I just pushed them off me when my brother abandoned me, and ran past them and out the front door to chase after orange. 2 yes they were in the shower without clothes on playing a board game, but they didn't have any sexual parts for some reason.


@StevieCat2023 LOL WHAT
            Omg this is actually so hilarious what
            First of all, HOW TF DID YOU SURVIVE THAT-


@Cupcake_Muffin00 yeah stuff like that happens to me too, I don't understand why.


Weird dream 
          Garten of banban oneshot?
          I had a weird dream where I went to this person dressed up like dogday (in Roblox) but I was also dressed up like dogday (we looked different) and I asked them if they did a oneshot book, they said yes and asked me what I wanted, so I said banban x stinger flynn x sir dadadoo x the reader, and they did it in a child reader idea, they were out in a field (not in the banban kindergarten) and the three of them found y/n, and they started to take care of the reader and try to build a house with tree branches, sir dadadoo and stinger flynn started to take care of y/n and a bunch of other kids they found, and then they remember it would hurt banbans feelings if they didn't include him, so they had banban come help them with the kids, the end to the first one, name dad's love, second story, after I lived that book I went back up to the dogday guy and asked if he could do another one, but this time Stinger Flynn x jumbo Josh x banban, so the three of them were stuck in a facility, and they were trying to escape, (it wasn't in banban's kindergarten) and there were some people (human people) and they were almost like zombies, so they tried to infect stinger flynn jumbo Josh and banban, and it was almost like a video game in this one, so eventually after they got passed a part stinger flynn and jumbo Josh were talking, and I think they were about to kiss, (they were in there in game versions not human the whole time) but my mom and sisters woke me up, I real thought of that as a good book, and I didn't read it, I more watched it, I wish I could have finished it. 


@StevieCat2023 because I know nothing abt gobb