
@Mifzoi  hey if you like yanderes x reader then you will like this person that's there name at the top and they have three books called tie and bump into another world and the other one I don't know please look them up and read there books give them some love  thank you followers killercat out 


@StevieLovely  thank you, If I can I will update everyday, this really give me strength to write forward, I sometime think that my story are just so twisted but I'm really thankful that there's someone who appreciate it 


@Mifzoi  hey if you like yanderes x reader then you will like this person that's there name at the top and they have three books called tie and bump into another world and the other one I don't know please look them up and read there books give them some love  thank you followers killercat out 


@StevieLovely  thank you, If I can I will update everyday, this really give me strength to write forward, I sometime think that my story are just so twisted but I'm really thankful that there's someone who appreciate it 