
Hello my lovely bookworms! I hope all of you are doing well! I just stopped in to check on things, and I am SO happy to announce that C&M is ranked #1 for "cowboys".  THANK YOU ALL SOOO MUCH for your votes and support!!


Hey Stewart253, I just started reading Cowboys and Nightmares when suddenly I can't access it. I was about to move on to the second chapter and... Wattpad said that it basically didn't exist anymore or was moved...I was wondering was it deleted?


It seems to be working fine now. Guess it was a glitch


@ShinobiSakura thanks for letting me know! I just got on, and ran through a few chapters. It may have been a quick network error. Would you mind trying again, see if it will load?


Loved Cowboys and Nightmares!!! Brilliant story xxxx


@yourdreamyygirl Thank you so much! I appreciate the support from all of my readers, even if I’m too busy to tell everyone individually. I’m glad you enjoyed it!


Hello my lovely bookworms! I hope all of you are doing well! I just stopped in to check on things, and I am SO happy to announce that C&M is ranked #1 for "cowboys".  THANK YOU ALL SOOO MUCH for your votes and support!!


ALSO, I wanted to let you all know that I am TRYING to catch up on thanking everyone who has commented, voted, or followed. If you have not gotten a personal Thank You from me and would like one, feel free to inbox me. Wattpad stopped me after a bit because I'd hit my limit of messages XD. Anyway again, if you would like a personal message thanking you for voting or commenting,m let me know. If you're okay with knowing that I thank you for your support anyway, THANK YOU!!!!!!


Hello all you Book Wyrms! I'm so sorry I haven't been on recently, I have been working nonstop to finish school and take care of all my exams. But hey, I'm finished and graduated, so yay!!
          Also, just a side note, I noticed that C&N has SHOT UP in reads. Like...21, 800 reads. Aaannnddd 1,200 votes. HOLY TOLEDO! Thank you guys and gals SO MUCH for all the support with all of my works!
          Also, I will apologize. If any of my followers start getting notifications about TTG, I am replacing the raw original with an edited version.
          Okay, I will leave you all to it! Thanks again, and keep reading!


Hey I just had to say I read cowboys and nightmares in like 2 hours!!! I loved the book and thought it was fabulous! A must read and a book I would definitely reread and buy!


@vampirelover91  Aww, thank you so much! I'm glad you loved Rylie and Dune's story. I can't tell you how many times I got through a Wattpad read in just a few hours because I could NOT. PUT. IT. DOWN. It means a lot to have one of my own readers tell me this! And who knows? Maybe one day, I'll get C&N onto bookshelves. I'd love for that to happen. Only time will tell! If it does, I'm glad I can count on your support(:


Hello, Book Wyrms! After the long winter, summer is here! (Though technically it's not until the 21st of this month, but hey, it's hot out, and it's pool season. Good enough for me!) Hope all you grads are exchanging your caps and gowns (Congrats, BTW) for flip flops and sunglasses! Its time to suntan and read away!
          So, business time. I just so happened to realize I had over 100 notifications, so I began sending my usual emails thanking all you WONDERFUL readers for your votes and for following. After I'd caught up (please let me know if I somehow skipped over you, I will TOTALLY send you one if so!), I thought, "Man, a lot of people seemed to vote on C&N. Wonder what the stats are?" So I innocently clicked over to "Create", where C&N sits at the top of my list...
          ...and almost died from shock.
          11,200 READS.
          562 VOTES.
          AND 32 COMMENTS.
          Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, mythical beasts and fae folk... I humbly tip my hat. THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support. You have broken the 10K threshold for my wonderful story, and the votes continue to soar ever higher. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU. You are all my biggest fans.
          So go out into your next adventure, partaking in whatever summer festivals or sports that you like to do. And do it knowing that you have made this author VERY happy. 
          Love you all!


Hello, Book Wyrms! Just popping in real quick to fangirl a little. Checked in on C&M today, and noticed that we have over SEVEN THOUSAND READS, with our votes up to almost FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY!! 
          So I just wanted to, AGAIN, give a big THANK YOU to all you Wyrms out there! If you're a hugger, I'm giving you a big squeeze in my thoughts.  If you like your space, take comfort in knowing that I'm shaking your hand and giving you the biggest smile.
          Anyway, that's all for now. Thanks again, and have a great rest of your day!