
In a month or two I'm gonna look into doing baby sitting I don't exactly like the idea of screaming babies but I need money as well as something that'll keep me busy I'll only be doing 5 years olds and up though nothing lower but yeah hoping to do that soon and I put posters up around the neighborhood and at the parks nearby and stuffs. I'm hoping to get 10+ dollars for every time I do for one that way I won't be super stress you just to get five dollars for watching a single child and it might be s good experience who knows.i might even like it, I don't know, it's definitely something I wanna try out. Sometimes I do like kids it just all depends on how difficult they are.


In a month or two I'm gonna look into doing baby sitting I don't exactly like the idea of screaming babies but I need money as well as something that'll keep me busy I'll only be doing 5 years olds and up though nothing lower but yeah hoping to do that soon and I put posters up around the neighborhood and at the parks nearby and stuffs. I'm hoping to get 10+ dollars for every time I do for one that way I won't be super stress you just to get five dollars for watching a single child and it might be s good experience who knows.i might even like it, I don't know, it's definitely something I wanna try out. Sometimes I do like kids it just all depends on how difficult they are.


So like I'm writing a few stories on google docs and was wondering if anybody would wanna do a colab story with me. If so let me know. Like comment/reply to this. I realllyyyy wanna do a colab with someone. With means like I wanna work on a story together with someone details can be discussed in messages but yeah comment on this and I'll message you and we can give each other our emails so like I can invite you to the story document and stuffs but like yeah. Details can be explained in messages 
                                                              ~Oliver aka Oli~ 


So I'll be off and on today cuz I'm gonna start working on posters for pet sitting and dog sitting and I'm gonna clean my room and just be staying active so I don't die when I'm at school again especially during P.E. lol. My dads helping me with the posters. And yeah it's also so I'm not stuck in a room all day with my thoughts. I'll also walk both dogs Sophie and Jake today. So I'm sorry if I start getting busy eventually with the pet sitting or dog walking. I'll try to be on whenever I can tho I love you guys! 


this message may be offensive
Ever had frequent arguments with someone you care about so damn much? Shit kills ya don't it? Well it does for me, man that shit breaks you. Like I know I'm not perfect and I look fine during the day but thing is when my family is gone that smile fades and all these arguments tear me apart and break me apart. Like I know I ain't perfect. But like DAMN I'm trying. Give me room to breath, I need room to like fucking breath, like shit I'm trying and to know it's not good enough well that hurts, it hurts so damn much, so much. All this drama, all my mistakes, all my flaws, all the arguments, my past. It's all building up, it's piling up so god damn fucking high.


Already starting this off: Yes my real name is Tia and technically I was born as a girl and no I do not have a dick but I can very well be one if you so please. I am a boy I don't care about what I have "down there" I am a very Bipolar and confused teenager. But I do know this all I ask is you respect my pronouns which are He, Him and His. Treat me how you wish to be treated meaning if you are mean to me expect me to do the very same and give you hell. That's all. 


this message may be offensive
Yet another label people decided to put on me ain't it nice 
          Got called an attention seeker so let me ask this how would you feel if I called you one? I post things on my timeline to let things out whether people care or not and comment or not I couldn't give a fuck less I post things to let it out like right now I'm letting it out I don't need the attention of others. I have better things to do with my life rather than seek attention for example journaling and writing pretty damn awesome if I do say so myself. Listening to music man like who doesn't love music? Life is too short to just care about the attention of others. I got myself and that is quite enough but anyways Ima talk about random shit rn. I want ice cream cake cuz uh like ITS AMAZE BALLS! like I want it on my bday! Fuck chocolate man ice cream cake? That's what I want. And I wanna get a puppy sometime in the summer if I can. Preferably a beagle or a pug. Cuz who the hell cares I want one of those two breeds! Omg
          Maybe even a pug half beagle. I would make a hybrid name but it would be really cringy so nvm. Anyways Tia continue on! C: I like my raccoon onesie because it's Soooo comfy like man. Idc what you all say they are comfy af. And when I wrap myself up in the blanket that is so comfy. Like I could lie awake think about my mom and other people wrapped up like that. Like man only I know how good I feel like that. Only I do. 


So I plan on telling my mom about me identifying as a guy tonight at 8 pm since she usually gets off of work at 5 pm where she lives and that would be 7 pm where I live. Soo yeah wish me luck 


Thanks she didn't pick up so I'm trying again tonight at 7:30 