
this message may be offensive
So I know that I stopped writing and all which I hope is fine but just never write again which is maybe but still. It's like people just strive for double standards. That's 2 books now that I've had people complain about because it's a male reader x female character and the female was said to be lgbt. The Ellie one I get tho it was still stupid considering this is Wattpad and people make all kinds of shipping stories and shit where someones sexuality is changed due to them being fictional but some dumbass commented on my Mai su story saying Mai was dating greenwood when that is completely was never stated they were dating and never stated Mai was even homosexual. And this shit pisses me off. Because nothing would be said if for example it was a female author changing Castiel's sexuality and making a cas x female reader story. It's bullshit and these double standards need to fuckin stop. If you want to come read what I have posted do so. If you want to criticize me then do so, it's welcome. But don't force your ideals and your opinions and fake facts onto me. Dont fuckin complain about my story considering you took the time to tap it when you could've completely scrolled past. To everyone who actually liked my stories thank you and I love you. I'm sorry things have to be like this but people are fuckin stupid.


@darkuzumaki45 btw don't click the link idk where it goes


I'm sorry about the people that b*ched over tlou1 Ellie x male reader story like bro there acting like your actually changing her character like omg it's fan fiction it's not really happening we get she's a full lesbian but this is a fan story you seriously did not deserve all that hate


I appreciate the kind message, but please, no need to feel sorry or apologetic. There will always be disagreements among people, and I just kinda learned to roll with the punches. Its all just kinda on the back burner now. But again, i appreciate you being so kind, and I hope you have a wonderful fuckin day❤️


Hello, nice to meet you, I also write the Next Gen stories. I speak in Spanish and I have a question if you are going to update it?


@ErikaKoyosaki thank you! Idk I'll think about it.


No, you're not a horrible writer. I like the way you write that story. When I read it I loved it a lot. And I would like you to update it.
            You know... I'll give you support.


this message may be offensive
@ErikaKoyosaki probably not tbh, I'm a horrible writer. My books kinda just suck ass. Plus I keep getting ridiculous hate for kinda dumb reasons and I'm too lazy for it sorry


this message may be offensive
So I know that I stopped writing and all which I hope is fine but just never write again which is maybe but still. It's like people just strive for double standards. That's 2 books now that I've had people complain about because it's a male reader x female character and the female was said to be lgbt. The Ellie one I get tho it was still stupid considering this is Wattpad and people make all kinds of shipping stories and shit where someones sexuality is changed due to them being fictional but some dumbass commented on my Mai su story saying Mai was dating greenwood when that is completely was never stated they were dating and never stated Mai was even homosexual. And this shit pisses me off. Because nothing would be said if for example it was a female author changing Castiel's sexuality and making a cas x female reader story. It's bullshit and these double standards need to fuckin stop. If you want to come read what I have posted do so. If you want to criticize me then do so, it's welcome. But don't force your ideals and your opinions and fake facts onto me. Dont fuckin complain about my story considering you took the time to tap it when you could've completely scrolled past. To everyone who actually liked my stories thank you and I love you. I'm sorry things have to be like this but people are fuckin stupid.


@darkuzumaki45 btw don't click the link idk where it goes


 Can I ask if you are continuing the ellie x Male reader


@zoph4evea Honestly i have no clue. Please don't get your hopes up. I just ended up running out of ideas and just don't know what to do. I might make one more chapter or so and that might be it. Or i might continue it and it will turn into something bigger or lead to inspiration for something new