
The first six chapters of my new mafia story, 'Hearts of Steel: Shadows of Deception,' are posted! You should read it and let me know what you think. It's the first book of many!


I'm currently writing the rest of the chapters for Those in the Forest so I can post them all at once. There are 23 chapters left, and I have ten more to finish.   I want to know if you all would like more werewolf stories, because i have some ideas for like 3 stories,  OOORRR, do you want me to finish the sex club series?


@StickyWhiskey Addicted to the werewolf stories but would also love to see where you'll take the sex club series


@StickyWhiskey I would like to read more stories of werewolves after finishing reading the sex club series if that's okay with you, but I think that any option (to publish the werewolves stories before the sex club) would be great


Hey just checking up om you and your mental health pluw your pyhsical hope your taking care of yoirself and that your not alone were here for you as your devoted dans and i uust need yo tell you are doing an amazing and fantastic job in this story and that your imaginatsine is beatiful❤️❤️


Hey just asking if yiu feel any better when is the next chapter?


Alright thank you!!


@RuweydaYusuf4 Valentine's Day! I'm planning a little something special for you all. It won't be grand, but I think you all will appreciate it. Well, I hope you all will.


Hey @stickyWhiskeys I was wondering if you could add this to your new idea of this period thing in the latest chapters I think it would be amazing for f you make the girls experience regans period cramps and pains and see how fast her mood changes how easily she cry’s and it would be like a bonding experience 


So I appreciate you putting my idea to thought


Thank you I appreciate it I just thought it would make sense since they can each others emotion so it would be funny to see them running around and being punished for no reason and then when Reagan tells them to sleep on the floor and they do and she cry’s and stuff they get so confused


@RuweydaYusuf4, most likely tomorrow. I already had a chapter written for today, and I literally just posted it. But I really like your idea, and it could actually fit really well in the next few chapters