
I'm going to say this only once, please respect my individuality and creativity as a writer. Being inspired by my works is fine but do not use my characters' names, part of my storyline, and then proceed to copy my username. I have been writing my fanfic for almost two years and those years have been very stressful and fun too, but I have also spent a long while building up my characters' and perfecting them, as well as bettering myself as a writer. I'll say this once and only once-
          	Whatever is on here is mine, do not steal from me. Aislynn and Chloe are original characters of my creation and therefore are copyrights. They belong only to me and are not for public use, neither is any purposeful variation of my username.


Tomorrow will be kinder is mind blowin!!!! did you by any chance finish the story.  I stopped where daryl ans tara werent accepted to that one place...  Im looking for the sequel and im eager to know what happens because i love BETHYL!!!!!  THEY CANT BE APART..  AND I KNOW IM LATE FOR THIS BUT STILL


@Minuteman32  Hello, dear!  Sorry to say but I have no plans to finish the story right now, mostly because of some personal reasons and also study, but I hope one day I'll get around to writing more. I put a lot of time and effort into my fanfictions and it would be a shame to see that all go to waste simply because I can't be bothered writing. It's hard to believe it's been well over a year since I last updated and with no current plans to start writing again, I'm afraid to say another chapter won't be popping up for a while. Despite that, thank you so much for your support! Every comment and message helps and does a bloody good job of cheering me up as well as motivating me to write some more. I hope you have a lovely day!


Are you back yet?


@flowersvictoria48 I'm not back yet but just popping in here to say hello !! It always makes me happy to read comments like this and I really appreciate the sentiment behind this. Hopefully, one day, I'll find my way back here and start posting fanfiction again but sadly, I'm afraid I'm done. Maybe some day I'll pop back up eventually and continue my stories, as they were an important part of my life once upon a time, and though that's unlikely, I sincerely hope I consider it some time in the future. Thank you, though, for your kind message. I send my regards your way, dear, and I hope you have a lovely day!


 You are an amazing writer!! Missing you. I hope you find your way back to us. 


I'm going to say this only once, please respect my individuality and creativity as a writer. Being inspired by my works is fine but do not use my characters' names, part of my storyline, and then proceed to copy my username. I have been writing my fanfic for almost two years and those years have been very stressful and fun too, but I have also spent a long while building up my characters' and perfecting them, as well as bettering myself as a writer. I'll say this once and only once-
          Whatever is on here is mine, do not steal from me. Aislynn and Chloe are original characters of my creation and therefore are copyrights. They belong only to me and are not for public use, neither is any purposeful variation of my username.


I just wanted to say that I'm really disappointed that your not motivated to write I hope you decide to continue but I'm always here cheering you on♥️♥️ 


@crazy_cat_lover_meow I've decided to keep writing it for a while but I can't be too sure if I will continue with it for too long. As of yet, I have the last ever chapter already written but it's always changing! But thank you so very much for this lovely and kind message, my friend, it's truly amazing to know you're supporting me. Thank you, again.


@prettyjennifer04 It's kind of a more deep-seated kind of thing that I'm not really willing to share at the moment, to be honest. I just came out to my friends and atleast three of them have dropped all contact with me so I'm just not in a place right now where I can continue writing. I wish I could but I'm just super down at the moment. Hopefully I can return soon but I can't be sure I'm going to return at all, to be quite honest. I'm very sad that I might have to finish them too but it's going to benefit me. I'll have more time for myself, which is a bonus. I spent so much time writing that I forgot to look after my body properly. I'm really sorry but it is for the best.