
This is for a friend of mine, enjoy 
          	How could he do that? She was his daughter. Kureo Mado's daughter and now she was his partner. How could he even think that she actually liked him?! Still, he wanted to kiss her so badly at this moment, just once. He tried so hard to get the idea out of his head, push-up after push-up, but he just wasn't able to get Akira out of his head. 
          	Akira. She was standing right in front of him, bent forward, looking down at his sweating figure. Just as he thought she was going to say something, she took his face into her hand, bent down even further and kissed him. He would have stopped her if he didn't need his hands to support himself. But... he would have never imagined to feel that way. Even better than he ever thought. Koutarou Amon was in love.


This is for a friend of mine, enjoy 
          How could he do that? She was his daughter. Kureo Mado's daughter and now she was his partner. How could he even think that she actually liked him?! Still, he wanted to kiss her so badly at this moment, just once. He tried so hard to get the idea out of his head, push-up after push-up, but he just wasn't able to get Akira out of his head. 
          Akira. She was standing right in front of him, bent forward, looking down at his sweating figure. Just as he thought she was going to say something, she took his face into her hand, bent down even further and kissed him. He would have stopped her if he didn't need his hands to support himself. But... he would have never imagined to feel that way. Even better than he ever thought. Koutarou Amon was in love.


Achja, ich freue mich immer sehr über konstruktive Kritik und ernst gemeinte Verbesserungsvorschläge, aber auf Hater, die nichts wichtiges zu sagen haben, reagiere ich nicht gerade freundlich. Also an alle Hater da draußen, beschwert euch nicht, wenn ich etwas direkt zu euch bin, ihr wurdet gewarnt❤


Schaut mal bei meiner Geschichte 'my world' vorbei, sie ist mir persönlich sehr wichtig. Zwar unregelmäßige Updates, aber ich werde in nächster Zeit mehr updaten. 
          Noch eine kurze Meldung, bald wird das erste Kapitel meines Thrillers veröffentlicht, als kleiner spoiler, 'The child' spielt im Laufe der Geschichte eine große Rolle, viel Spaß❤


danke fürs folgen ^^ wie kams dazu? <3


@ Entchen2  danke ebenfals fürs folgen


@ Entchen2  mir wurde dein Profil vorgeschlagen, deswegen habe ich in ein paar deiner Geschichten reingelesen und fand die echt gut