
I've got a couple of announcements to put up...
          	1. Bloody Rose: Dark Screams is still being updated don't worry about that
          	2. I'm writing a Devil May Cry fanfiction (DantexWitchxVirgal)
          	3. Right now Dark Light: Wings of Destiny is going to be on hold for further notice, I don't know where its going at the moment.


I've got a couple of announcements to put up...
          1. Bloody Rose: Dark Screams is still being updated don't worry about that
          2. I'm writing a Devil May Cry fanfiction (DantexWitchxVirgal)
          3. Right now Dark Light: Wings of Destiny is going to be on hold for further notice, I don't know where its going at the moment.


Ugh...I know I haven't been on for about a few months because of personal and family problems. Also, hardcore writer's block but I'm back sort of and rewriting the first chapter of Blood and Roses Dark Screams and continuing writing it. Until I finish with a few chapters I'll put them up. And sorry for being gone, don't hate me...jk.