
Does anyone have any apprentices that need warrior names? Cause we have a Name That Apprentice book.


The White Great Pyrenees walks onto your account, barking and sitting down. They look like a ball of floof. It turns and looks at you from the screen, It barks sticking it's tongue out and panting, It turns to the follow button, jumping onto your bio and booping the follow. It smiles at you. It raises it's paw up, barking. It seems to like your account.


About 150 followers in 1 week? O-o
          Congratulations? XD


@Cinder- Eh, that person is probably fake. People get thousands of followers in a month from following and getting follow backs.
            Anyways, yeah, congrats!


@CrookedXCrowned someone got over four hundred in a day! And I just followed everyone on my main account and most followed back UwU 


Signing out to my original account for a bit, if you didn’t know, only me and the deputy can post on the message board unless you have permission from me.
          Any members who need the password pm StoneClan- from your account or pm me @rpmomatyourservice
          Members who have the password, don’t answer pms without permission. Also remember you can go ahead and create what your role is made for!