Hello hello! It's been a while.
After a much-needed pep talk from my husband over the last 48 hours, I have come to realize that the novel I've been trying to write (Behind the Scenes) are actually two different (but similar!) short stories. This is great news for me, as I've figured out why I have writer's block and can revise accordingly. This is bad news for anyone who wanted Behind the Scenes to be a chunky novel.
That said, I'm currently revising Behind the Scenes offline, and making notes on the second novella, both of which I hope to have to you soon. And yes, both are heavily inspired by Joseph Quinn. ;)
Behind the Scenes, as it currently exists, won't actually change too drastically, except to get better and a little more fleshed out. It will take place entirely in New York.
Novella #2 will take place entirely in London, England, and feature new characters.
Thank you for your patience! Talk soon.