
Hi pal, r u going to continue ur masky/tim wright story?


@DevilishlyDecius Hello everyone!  After several months since my last message, I have come to bring you more news.  I'm writing again, but I still haven't gotten my old account, so I will have to do everything on this account.  I don't expect many people to see this, but that is ok.  I just wanted to let people know that I'm back, and I just posted the first chapter of the "reboot" to my old fic On The Run.  If any of you are interested, you can check it out and hang around for more chapters that are yet to come.  I will post updates in my conversation box, but I can't promise that my postings will be consistent.  I hope you all have a good day/night!


@Xxx_couchpotato_xxX   I’m sorry, but my answer is no.  I know that I said that I was going to continue, but unfortunately, I lost my account and never got it back.  This was a spare account that I made so that I could get some inspiration while taking time to be with myself.   I even wrote two or three more chapters during my absence. But that is not the only reason.  I eventually found myself slowly falling out of the fandom, and to this day, I have not returned.  My whole plot was based on my own spin on the Marble Hornets series on YouTube, as well as some possible original characters that would help guide the protagonist--aka y/n-- and now I have completely forgotten where I was going with the story.  As said in my last message, I am thankful for how Marble Hornets affected my life and brought me out of my lowest, but now I must put this story to rest.  I’m sorry I haven’t said anything sooner; I took a long break from Wattpad and honestly planned to just let it go but to see how many people actually read my story is shocking.  Since you asked around two months ago (sorry for not seeing this sooner! I just wanted to see a piece of my past & did not expect someone to ask about On the Run), I decided to answer your question.  I’m sorry to disappoint you, and I hope you understand & have a great day/night.  And to anyone who read my fanfiction and is reading this, thank you so much for the short journey I got to experience, and I hope that my writing brought you some joy as much as it was dark.  Thank you, everyone.