@Stories_Writer123456 idk why parents do that, but I think it is what all parent do. Like when your on ur way to do the dishes and they tell you to them making you not want to do them anymore or when you are already doing them and they act all surprised and grateful but if you do it when their not home they act like you didn't do anything at all. Sometimes it feels like I'm falling apart, and they don't even see it. They sit there and laugh and I laugh with them but none of them even realize that all my laughter, most of my smiles, half of the things I do, are fake. But you know the moment I try to talk to them about it, they will say I am just trying to fit in with the new 'trend' and that my phone is the problem. I have anxiety, I feel anxious all the time but anytime I try to tell my mom her response each time is 'No you don't.' then she does the look all mom's have when they are telling you to shut the f up already. I wanna do so many harmful things(to myself) but I just- can't. To sum it up I would use the song Numb Little Bug. I know I have to live for my little brother, and my cousins(even my older ones) cause I'm the happy one. I'm the one with a constant smile on my face that no one has to check on! I'm the one that is broken!