
Hey guys,
          	A friend of mine and I have thought about making a DC inspired 'comic', Webtoon or simmiliar or just some sketches with small stories that we post on social media accounts and wanted to know what you thought about that, if you were interested in something like that, and what you would want to see in those.
          	Stay whelemed and have a good day,
          	Stories of my lives


What happened to the sequel to family secret


Uncertainty on how to write down my ideas, real life stress and drama, accompanied by an mix of wanting to write something different, editing FoS, and occasional writers block.
            Sorry, but all I can say for certain is that I will have it finished one day. 


I like your books keep up the good work 


Thank you, but it's likely that I won't be updating or publishing anything anytime soon. Though I don't plan on abandoning these stories, it will take time for me to come up with ideas and write them in a way that I'm satisfied with. If you want to know a bit more, I think I answered a comment by Valhallagirl on "We'll never be normal" where I explained it a bit more. Have a nice time


Hey guys,
          A friend of mine and I have thought about making a DC inspired 'comic', Webtoon or simmiliar or just some sketches with small stories that we post on social media accounts and wanted to know what you thought about that, if you were interested in something like that, and what you would want to see in those.
          Stay whelemed and have a good day,
          Stories of my lives


          I just finished reading your Family of Secrets book. I literally did not want to stop each time I had to. And I was very eager to continue reading . I love the plot. I read that there was going to be a sequel, if there is not one, will there be one? If there is one we’re would it be, I can’t find it?
          Love your writing, and I absolutely love Percy’s story. 


@ 123Time2Read  thank you, really


Take your time writing them. And if I have ideas I will most certainly share. I totally understand as a similar thing happened to me. I will be looking forward to your writing.


            thank you for reading and liking my story.
            At the moment I haven't really written the sequel because quite a few things happened that caused me to have to adapt my life to a different normal and I had too much to cope with and had too much to do, and stress over, to focus on editing Family of Secrets or write chapters for we'll never be normal or the sequel to family of secrets.
            Now though I nearly finished everything I need to do and have quite a few ideas to write for the stories and will write them down in the next few weeks.
            I think (but this is no promise) that I will be able to post the edited chapters for family of secrets along with the sequel sometime in August or September.
            If you have any guesses as to what could happen I'm eager to hear them.
            Have a nice day/evening/night wherever you are


Omg! I can't wait for the sequel! I'll be reading a soon as it posts. Thank you for the greatness that you are. I love your style of writing and can't wait for more. Have a day! (It doesn't have to be good, but a fragment of time to learn and reflect)


@ Astra_Starfox  
            Thanks for the compliment, I'm glad you like my story. Have a nice day/night/whatever


          I've started reading your book and I'm wondering who you want to ship Percy with. If you ship her with anyone, that is...
          Also I love it :D


@ _-TitanessAsteria-_  
            I will try to get Percy into a relationship, but it will be pretty slow. Mostly because I know who I want her to get together with, but do t know how to write it. (Who it will be is a surprise, if you don't have an Idea already) I always get ideas for good scenes but before I can write them down they leave my head. But I think it will slowly start during the next few chapters.
            And I'm happy you like my book. 