
this message may be offensive
How do I cancel Valentine's day? I'm not single but I was born on Valentine's day (yes today is my birthday) and I hate it. What actions are needed to be taken to completely get rid of this holiday? Do I have to overthrow the government? (anarchy) Do I have to take over the world? Do I have to make my own country like those British people on a fucking minecraft server and make my anthem to the theme of Hallelujah????? 


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How do I cancel Valentine's day? I'm not single but I was born on Valentine's day (yes today is my birthday) and I hate it. What actions are needed to be taken to completely get rid of this holiday? Do I have to overthrow the government? (anarchy) Do I have to take over the world? Do I have to make my own country like those British people on a fucking minecraft server and make my anthem to the theme of Hallelujah?????