
Hello friends! Lately I've been slacking on the story but I promise to have the next chapter out before this month's end. I've been caught up in schoolwork and the holiday season so I apologize. 


Hey everybody! I haven't updated the stays in a while but I have good news! These following weeks I'm going to be creating a little bit of a "Get To Know" series on YouTube. To those of you who read my Storm Chronicles book. I will be giving a proper introduction and giving faces to Ferox, Kytria, Stormer, Sierra, Cole, and maybe Shadow Inika too. Let me know your thoughts and comments. I need help with one thing because I may do a trailer for the story but I need people's help with this part. Anyone who owns a Playstation 4 or has the right software will be eligible to help greatly. If you need any contact information it will be on here. Thanks for your time.


Hey guys, sorry for not updating for a while, I'd like to let everyone know that due to constant work and learning how to do better on my works. I'll be starting the entire "The Storm", "Survival", and "Maelstrom" from scratch. If you've been following since the start I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I feel like I can do better on the story. 
          Thanks for the time, sorry again.