
Ok to all of my followers that read my books and are looking for new chapters. You won't see any for a while. I am writing a true story about me and that's the only book I'm focused on right now. After in finished with it I'll post it on here for y'all to read.


Ok to all of my followers that read my books and are looking for new chapters. You won't see any for a while. I am writing a true story about me and that's the only book I'm focused on right now. After in finished with it I'll post it on here for y'all to read.


I know alot of you are patiently waiting for me to update my Whinchester book. I can not think if anything to write for that book right now. But if you have any requests for my other books I would love to know. Or request for a new book.


@losers_bunny2 we will write this tomorrow


@Stormikelleylez they fall for the vampire twins of rose and emmet 


I wish we could post videos on here. I would love for you guys to see my brothers reaction to when I came out as lesbian


@Stormikelleylez no yourr fine sweetie. I was actually just about to go to bed myself. Lol.


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Hell I've forgotten what love feels like. All I feel now days is worthless, scared, anger, and pain. I fucking give up


No you don’t I love you 


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I'm so fucking sorry I can't do anything right. I know I'm overweight. I know that I cause problems. I know that. But you're the one to blame here. You never let me do anything. I try to help you and you get pissed at me. I try to do anything and you get pissed at me for doing something. I get too hot and you get pissed. I get to angry you get pissed. I get hurt you get pissed. I get upset you get pissed. I get just a little aggravated and you ask did I do something wrong. No you didn't do anything wrong. I did. I always do something wrong. I'm the mess up. You're the perfect mother. You're the perfect daughter. You always take care of your mom. And then you come to me and talk all this shit about how you're so pissed that none of your other siblings want to help with her. No because when they do you get pissed because they text you saying you need to do things for her. I'm sorry I can't be the perfect little girl you wanted me to be. I'm the one with the Seizures, mental problems, short term memory loss, weight problem, emotional problems, I'm fucking gay. I'm sorry I'm more trouble then I'm worth.


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I'm so sorry I'm a fuck up. I'm sorry I can't take a step without having to run to the bathroom to change. I'm sorry I can't move or I'll get dizzy. I'm sorry I can't help you. I'm sorry the house is constantly a mess. I'm sorry the two men that live here WITH US don't clean up after themselves. I'm sorry I'll just leave. Where? I don't fucking know. I'll just leave you alone so that I won't be a problem with you anymore. I'm so fucking sorry that everytime I ask you if you need help you tell me no Stormi I got this go to your room. I'm so sorry


Thanks for the follow!


@Freak-of-Madness yeah I got kicked off of that account and all of the others


This is my babes❤️ my best friend 


@Stormikelleylez love you so so much babes 


@losers_bunny2 ❤️❤️❤️❤️️‍