
Hello! Just passing by to say there's a chance for the new chapter to be posted on March 20th, not only because I still need to translate in English (and I know most readers of my SOAD long fic here read it in English), but also because of a second, more hidden motive that might become clear once the chapter sees the light :) hope to be able to do so, I'm kinda ill again :/ stay tuned xx


Hello! Just passing by to say there's a chance for the new chapter to be posted on March 20th, not only because I still need to translate in English (and I know most readers of my SOAD long fic here read it in English), but also because of a second, more hidden motive that might become clear once the chapter sees the light :) hope to be able to do so, I'm kinda ill again :/ stay tuned xx


Hi there! Just wanted to tell y'all that I actually have a new chapter written and that there's high chance I'll post it soon! It's a special chapter I thought of adding just in the last year, it really wasn't in the plans before, it's meant to be both a filler and a tribute and I hope you will like it as much as I loved writing it 
          Stay tuned 


Hello, long time no see! Just wanted to thank the people who came to read and comment on my SOAD long fic. I know it's been years since the last update, I've got stuck with a huge writer's block and then many things in my personal life got in the way of my creativity and mental health, so it's been a long, hard road, still getting better somehow, slowly. I took up this story again some time ago and actually wrote an almost full chapter, so, who knows... maybe I could go back to publishing.  In the meanwhile I've posted a few things on my AO3 profile, username on there is StormyPhoenixxx if you're interested. Until next time! xoxo


Grazie per aver votato "Anchor"! Spero che la storia ti sia piaciuta :D


@ Duvrangrgata prego! È bellissima e l'ho letta tutta in una volta perché mi ha presa **


Hi there! Yeah, I'm still alive. It's been quite a year, and I've had a huge writer's block. I've also got into a new fandom, but I'm going to finish my long fic about SOAD anyway because it's one of the dearest things for me. This said, I've come to be quite unhappy with the Wattpad app, too much advertising and it even had the guts of getting stuck (never happened before), so I'll have you know I'll import my stories over to Archive of our own in the future, since that platform seems more stable  hope you're all good xoxo


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@ StormyPhoenix my username on Ao3 is stormyserene and so far I've only posted a couple of one shots in Good Omens fandom there, but I'll be glad if you decide to follow me ^-^ sorry for the late answer, lately I've been shit at keeping contacts and replying lol


@ StormyPhoenix  hey! It's been quite some time, yes. And I already waited for your return  I also noticed how the app got worse and how the ads are getting more and more, sad really. Anyway, I'll glady follow you on Archive of Our Own, if you already have an account, tell me the name. Than I can make one as well and follow you ^^ Glad you're back! Have a great day :) 


Happy 3rd birthday to my SOAD long fic! ❤
          I quite remember how it started. I had a few ideas and I didn't know how to start, then inspiration worked its magic and I started. I poured out my time, my lost sleep, lots of free time, ideas, informations & researches, imagination, tears and (virtually) my own blood and life into this work; this is one of my most "mature" works, and as usual it is a piece of me, a piece of my heart I hold very dear.
          I also remember being shy about posting it at first, but your feedback surprised me and still does, every time I see someone had read it, added it to their reading lists, commented it I get happy ❤
          Thank you to everyone who's acknowledged the existence of this work of mine so far, either if you're here since the start or you just came up recently, I love you all ❤


@ cottoncandy-panda thank you very much! I hope I'll be able to complete it, too, I'm having quite a hard time with writing and other stuff... in the meanwhile, I'm happy to read someone else recently came to read my story and liked it 


@StormyPhoenix  i quite liked you're SOAD fanfic  i hope you complete it, (good luck).


Hi there people!
          Hope you all are doing well 
          Just a few days ago I acknowledged my SOAD story is going to turn 3 years old very soon... I can't deny this got me a bit emotional because I've poured so much into this story: effort, time, fantasy, but also life experiences and pains. It is part of me! Well, I plan to update the story in that date, also because my last update goes back in September and it's about time to update again 
          As always thanks for the love and the ever growing number of views ❤ stay tuned 


i looooove this news


Hey there! I'm not dead, just being busy... busy with university as well as with recovering, it's been another rough period. Hope to be back to updating my long fics soon, in the meanwhile I might publish something else, short stories/rants (as I currently am locked outside of my 20lines profile because Facebook won't let me sign in with my FB profile and emails for recovering the password still haven't showed up). Thanks for the attention xx