
Welp! It's time to play Cold Cold Cold by Cage The Elephant on repeat while I get ready to go out into the world and exit ✌  


Hello, came in to check on you.  How are you doing?


@_Kiwi-Fruit_ Like, how you gonna message me in private?


@_Kiwi-Fruit_ yeah, go ahead. Whatever’s comfortable


this message may be offensive
Hey everyone who is following me- idc if you read this or not but just a heads up on a new book I've posted! 
          You can vent on this book and feel free to chat me in private if you want or need some support! Im here for you all. 
          ⚠️TW for those who dont want to hear or dont like anxiety, meds, bulling, and anything along that line of converstaion. 
          Alright! So i have just started taking meds abit ago and im feeling like my old self again. Yet! If you text and i dont reply straight away im not ignoring you, i might have school or im having a low or upsetting day, i migjt not even know how to reply but i will try to help if i can. 
          Also in this book and if your texting me, i will try and understand as much as i can and help the best i can, but im not an expert at stuff also any bulling/racist/name calling/ fat shaming/homophobic gestures or actions will be imediantly repoted and i will block that person. Also if you act mean or controlling in any way i will ignore you cause im not putting up with it. 
          I have been bullied and still am and i wont tolerate it and i will stand up for those who are being bullied aswell. Its absolutely disgusting for someone to tell you to kill yourself! Cause its fucked. 
          I just hope this book can help people alittle bit just to let out emotions so you dont have to bottle it up cause its not fair. I know what its like to feel in an unsafe situation. Ive lived and still do live in a  life with a mentally abusive parent and suffer anxiety and depression. 
          I hope i can help and i just wanted to let you know i will not judge you for who you are! You are all beautiful!
          If your a differnt skin color or religion, if your apart of the LGBTQ and If you have no place to let out your feelings i am here to support you! 
          If you'd like you can call me your big brother or sister! I will try and help you through this hell of a generation and world we live in. 
          You are all vallied and deserved to be listened to and feel safe! 




@LeechPop Its was just nice to see someone supporting the Gacha community and decided "hey this person seems cool." so i followed ^^ 


Hey, how come you started to follow me?  Just curious.


Can you please make me a gacha club oc?


@IrNoo8 alright! I'll  work on him now ^-^ 


You can choose


@IrNoo8 Anything else you wanted me to add onto him? Like any pacific accessories? 