// okay this is a TEST to see if anyone on this app is still ALIVE and BREATHING. Cb for Ororo because she kind of died and needs a revival (if you don’t cb I’m going to count it as treason).
Reading Lists
// okay this is a TEST to see if anyone on this app is still ALIVE and BREATHING. Cb for Ororo because she kind of died and needs a revival (if you don’t cb I’m going to count it as treason).
// okay this is a TEST to see if anyone on this app is still ALIVE and BREATHING. Cb for Ororo because she kind of died and needs a revival (if you don’t cb I’m going to count it as treason).
Hi there Stormycities, I've seen your work and It's really good. Do you mind to share your email and social media?. I want to know you better. I'm looking forward to follow your social media and keep in touch with you.
// the x-man fandom died and I’ve never been so disappointed bc I love my girl Ororo too much to revamp her into something else Revive please I beg
@Stormycities / ah , idk if you've seen but i moved illyana over onto @soulswordisms so you can definitely go interact over there <333
Hey, there! I've seen your account around and you seem really cool, so I thought I'd tell you about this: I made a Discord server where we do writing, roleplay, send memes, talk about fun things, and even send pictures of cute animals! If you want to get special insight on the characters I create and the universe I have created, joining the server is your chance! We are very inclusive and you'll be treated like family. :) Comment below if this sounds like something you'd be interested in and I'll send you an invite :) If not, I completely understand.
// cb and specify!!! do it rn *aims water gun*
" who . . . who / are / you ? " casey asked as ororo - who had just saved her life - started leading her down a hallway to a much safer room . " what was that back there ? "
@Stormycities “ y - yeah . my dad , my little brother and baby sister . that’s all . everyone else ... i don’t know where they went .” she admits , but asks her question once again . “ who are you ? and offer me help with what ?”
@killerempathy “I was sent to offer you help.” Ororo explained weakly, knowing it was the worst statement in the entire world. “Do you have a group? Are there others out there?”
@Stormycities " i - i'm fine , that thing didn't get me . what's going on ? "
“ thank you … for — for caring . it means a lot . ”
@ofsunlight “Good, I’m glad. You better have been looking after that injury, those stitches took me a while to perfect.” Ororo mused with a small smile.
“ right , sorry . i’m just not really used to it . and , uh , i’m doing better now . ”
@ofsunlight “I’ve told you before, you don’t need to thank me. You needed my help— really, you don’t have to thank me. How have you been?”
“ i wasn’t staring ! “
❝ I hate him more than all the others. ❞ Such undeniable rage wasn't unfamiliar to Sif, though for once, it wasn't her threatening disembowelment of someone who had crossed her once too often. The comment had come from the other woman there, who had found an empty seat at the bar beside the goddess. It was clear something had caused this anger to fester, to become something a little more than a simple hatred for someone else. "A statement easily enough understood, though perhaps getting drunk will not solve the issue at hand," the dark haired woman pointed out mildly. "You would be better taking a swing at their heads."
She couldn't quite comprehend that. Just because someone was family did not always mean they were worthy of such a title. Blood was not the only thing that made someone family. Sif herself had always been closer to her battle comrades than her own mother. And considering how enraged the woman had been, the comment that had left her lips, Sif was willing to bet they most certainly didn't deserve any form of empathy. "Humans have a very odd outlook on the idea of family," she commented, a half puzzled frown on her features.
@wickedfatality Ororo knew the other woman was right, as soon as she finished this drink she would probably feel worse than before, but it numbed the anger in her head— silenced it just a little bit. “Fighting them would be useless.” She responded with a sigh, setting down her glass of whiskey. “Despite how much I may hate them.. they’re still my family, the thought of hurting them—“ Ororo couldn’t even imagine the pain of it.
"For a moment or two before the liquor makes you feel worse," she countered, having far too many experiences with such a thing. It made you forget on a temporary level, but when the memories came back, it simply wasn't worth it. "Have you actually tried fighting them? It's more therapeutic then one realises." For her, anyway. For her sparring partners, not so much. They learned to avoid the ring when they caught wind of whatever foul mood she was in at the time, least she drag them in by their ears. "Especially with this much rage. Better to release it than bottle it up."
you — who are you and how did you get in here ?
@piratesbIood “I have a feeling things would go a lot smoother if you /lowered your sword/. Then I will answer all your questions.”
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