
Another blurp for a story.
          	When I got the time and inspiration.
          	Art War!
          	Rebecca wants more then anything to go to this Art College. 
          	There is a contest. And you can win a Full scollership to go to that Art College!
          	She goes to see what it is. On the eving she see the assiment you have to do.
          	To win this scollership.
          	You have to design a moodbord.
          	For a new episode to the little mermaid.
          	What Is see going to be like and what is see going to do.
          	If you get selected You get a week time to make 2 storyboards that tell the new episode. It has to have a funny scene and an exitced one. 
          	She sees the wall Whit Aaaal the art and crafts equipment she can use.
          	So She sees a seat available and sits down to start her Moodboard to give it a shot to get selected.
          	But then Oh HELL No.
          	She sees Victoria. Her arch enemy from her middle school!
          	What is she doing here!
          	Her Dad can bye her the whole fricken school if she wants to!
          	But! Their is one thing!
          	Her name says it already!
          	She needs to WIN EVERYTHING!
          	She wants to be the BEST at Everything.
          	Now Rebecca wants to win it More then Anything in the world! 
          	They both get selected to enter the competition! 
          	And the Game is On!


Another blurp for a story.
          When I got the time and inspiration.
          Art War!
          Rebecca wants more then anything to go to this Art College. 
          There is a contest. And you can win a Full scollership to go to that Art College!
          She goes to see what it is. On the eving she see the assiment you have to do.
          To win this scollership.
          You have to design a moodbord.
          For a new episode to the little mermaid.
          What Is see going to be like and what is see going to do.
          If you get selected You get a week time to make 2 storyboards that tell the new episode. It has to have a funny scene and an exitced one. 
          She sees the wall Whit Aaaal the art and crafts equipment she can use.
          So She sees a seat available and sits down to start her Moodboard to give it a shot to get selected.
          But then Oh HELL No.
          She sees Victoria. Her arch enemy from her middle school!
          What is she doing here!
          Her Dad can bye her the whole fricken school if she wants to!
          But! Their is one thing!
          Her name says it already!
          She needs to WIN EVERYTHING!
          She wants to be the BEST at Everything.
          Now Rebecca wants to win it More then Anything in the world! 
          They both get selected to enter the competition! 
          And the Game is On!


A blurp I've got for a story I want to write.
          Police wife story
          I lost my precious husband to a man 
          Who shoot him in a driveby shooting.
          And now I'm fallen for a man who had onced shot a guy to save his own live.
          But when I finaly hear his story...
          He was in a gang. But when he fel in love. He wanted to get out and start a family.
          With an undercover name they moved.
          And started a new live.
          They got a son. 
          But ond day they found him.
          They wanted to shoot him, for leaving but she jumped infront of him 
          Her last words , take care of our son. I love you. Now where even.
          He wanted to die to.  For the gang he played dead but it was her blood on his shirt . Around his heart.
          But lived for his son. 
          Then he meets Gwen...
          They are Neighbours. She moves in like the nice lady. But she has no job.
          And I in desparted need of a babysitter.
          To go working..
          We hit it of as friends.
          So I babysit from him. 
          2 days a week. The rest he picks him up at daycare. 
          We get talking and ger to know each other.
          And then Will. Realizes. 
          Who the man of Gwen is. 
          In their picture.
          Omg! Does he tell her?
          do you want to hear the hole story?


          In Spelen met emoties neemt schrijver Angelique Schoenmaekers kinderen aan de hand om naar hun gevoel te luisteren. Ze leert ze niet alleen luisteren, ze leert ze ook met elkaar en met opvoeders en verzorgers praten.  Het boek laat je zien dat je, je uiteindelijk altijd fijner voelt als je zegt wat er in je omgaat, hoe eng dat ook kan lijken. Door middel van tekenende voorbeelden als het bange ballonnetje, een (niet zo) boze draak en een bolletje wol dat niet los kan laten maakt ze bespreekbaar wat soms moeilijk is. In heldere taal weet ze kinderen aan het denken te zetten en opent ze het gesprek over onder andere verdriet, angst en jaloezie. 
          Angelique Schoenmaekers – Coenen is moeder van twee dochters, die samen met haar petekind de illustraties voor Spelen met emoties hebben gemaakt. Angelique moet leven met de chronische aandoening EDS. Dit syndroom dat haar lichaam aantast heeft ervoor gezorgd dat zij en haar het gezin samen heel wat hebben meegemaakt. Toen ze het rustiger aan moest gaan doen, besloot ze verhalen voor kinderen te gaan schrijven. Haar missie om emoties spelenderwijs bespreekbaar te maken volbrengt ze in haar eerste kinderboek.