Hy my name is Melissa, I'm dutch and I'm Dyslexic (so don't look at the grammar)

I don't have a lot of stories on wattpad jet but i'm working on it.

here is something about me:

1. I am 14 years old
2. I love stories (but you already know because you can see it in my wattpad name)
3. I'm a big 1D fan (Niall is my favorite :D), I went with some friends to this is us and it was super duper awesome.
4. My favorite category for stories is: fantasy ( I just love that you can do and think whatever you want)
5. I love to watch movies and read books (mostly about fantasy stuff)
6. I love cheerful colors, preferred aqua blue
7. my favorite food is pizza (yum yum)
8. I am opsessed with percy jackson, I just love it sooooooo much, logan is sooooo cute (and a good actor :)
9. LARRY IS REAL!!!!!!!
10. My favorite band is 5 seconds of summer. They are amazing, if you don't know them just go on youtube and watch a video from them (they are hilarious :)

And that was it (I guess)
I hope you will enjoy my stories

Hugz and greets StoryLover22

ps: Also check out my friends because they are awesome and the best friends in the world!!!!!!

@CelineR5, @rainbow_starr, @Ann_Annie, @daawe22, @_BeHonest_ <(^-^<)
  • netherlands
  • انضمApril 15, 2013

الرسالة الأخيرة
StoryLover22 StoryLover22 Jun 27, 2014 09:15AM
lol I accidentally changed my profile picture into a goat Hahahahaha
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