So yeah... I've been gone. (Again) But I'm back and this time it didn't take me over 2 years! Well, anyways.. I'm sorry. Probably should have said smth these past months, but apart from the obvious school reasons, I've also been trying my luck in one other writing platforms. At the end of the day though, I wanted to write for you all again as well. I was kinda selfish, so yeah... But anyways, I've brought with me a completely new story!! It's fresh, and over 10 chapters are ready. For now, I'm planning to try and make some form of schedule between it and Sleep Deprived, but we'll see. P.S. My other account is a completely different ballpark, which I will attend to later on. Anyways, peace!

@StoryfortheAges yesss!....... I've been waiting for ages for an update on rise if yoomes bond, superpowers running man and sleep deprived!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy you're back!!!!

@RARanyaphiVashum Thankss! Fair enough, I did go completely out. Nevertheless, looking forward to cacth up with your stuff again ngl