
Hey guys just did my first chapter of my new book. Plese let me know what you think about it! Much love to you all <3


Hey I'm wondering if you may know the book I'm look for I think it was called his obsession it was a bwwm Mafia book and that's pretty much what I remember aside from the story line it may have came out around 2020-2022 some time around there if you know or think you know let me know or if you need more information about it tell


This is why readers get upset the last time your book was updated was October 2018 I'm reading it and it September 2019 I'm actually disappointed and I'm disappointed because you work is really good but the one thing I cannot stand is for a writer not to complete their work what's the point I think it's getting to a point where I kind of feel like you writers need to write your books and then just post your completed works this whole doing an update business is very unfair to readers because you get them into the story and then have to get disappointed because it's not completed see you when people go to a bookstore they buy a completed book they don't pick a buck but you know what I'm a reader so I guess it's my fault I knew it wasn't finished and I should have read it


@ToniClarke163  I'm sorry your so upset with me not finishing my books. Went through a lot in the past few years, and I've had a lot of writers block. I started way to many books at once and lost track so much. My plan is to finish these books. It will take more time because I am going to read it as a reader first and see where I want the to go. I've been where you are, I hate reading a book that isn't finished. It's very frustrating. But life happens and sometimes things have to be put on hold for a while. I do apologize again for you all being left in the dark on the two books I haven't finished yet.


Okay requesting an epilogue or third book for I will never be loved and I will be loved


@ToniClarke163 Unfortunately I don't know when the third book will be out. That was my first book trilogy and it's hard to know where I want that book to go at the moment. I'd rather finish what I have started at the moment with the other books, then once that's done I'll start the third book.