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THANK YOU SO MOTHAFUCKIN much if you’ve ever clicked that link, or voted and commented on any part of my story!!! I’ve always had a love for writing but never wanted to put any of it out into the world, and so I could’ve never imagine getting a reception like this, actually having people read it. As of now, I have 6.11K reads, 127 votes, and 14 comments (which definitely is not a lot to some) but when I first posted the story, I thought MAYBE 100 people would read it. I hope you all have enjoyed reading and falling in love with these characters as much as I have. Now while I don’t know the future of my writing - like if there’s going to be more J. Cole fanfiction or any stories at all, I still want to make sure that you guys understand how much I appreciate the reads, votes, and comments. THANK YOU ALL SO FUCKING MUCH. “Until next time…one love, baby!” - J. Cole, in Note to Self