
Hi! The Coffee Bean is amazing! I love the story and your writing. You can mark it completed if you go into the my works section and under edit story, you can change it :)
          Good luck in the competition!
          Have you thought about getting a cover for your book?


            Well, welcome to Wattpad! Check out this club where you can get a cover for your story- http://www.wattpad.com/forums/categories/30-club
            And yes, your story is brilliant :)


@Iwritevariety Oh, thank you so much! I'm so happy to hear that someone is enjoying it. Thanks for the tip - I'll mark it as completed now. I've never used this site so I'm still getting used to it!
            With that being said, I don't know how to make a cover… though I'd love one! Again, very new at this. ;)