Idk if you're taking requests, or if that would add pressure which i don't wanna do, but if you ARE then i have one. If not pls ignore me and this.
I've got really bad general and social anxiety, it gives me panic attacks. It feels like I'm falling backwards in a chair, that lurching panic moment, but it never stops. I had one today and I'm still shaken. I was wondering if it would be possible to get a oneshot where the doc helps reader through a panic attack.
I can give more details on what's good and bad when ur havin my flavor of panic, if u need it, idk ur experience with them.
If it makes u uncomfortable to write, or if you don't want requests, or ur busy, or for any reason aren't feelin it, no stress. U won't hurt my feelings or anything. Just an idea. I'm not trying to romanticize it, either, I just like reading about when ppl get that help because i usually don't and i can pretend and daydream that i am not actually as alone as i am.
And I'm rambling.
So ye, no stress or pressure or obligation.