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So not only did I forget to post a follow up announcement, but I didn't get kicked out! Yayyyy
But I did get suspended from school for 3 days.
Why? You ask? I brought Gin to school. In a fucking hip flask.
The thing is, I've had that hip flask for ages, even with alcohol in it at school. I was so obvious about it the first time, letting other people have a sip, even in front of teachers. And I had no snitches.
Then I get caught just yesterday because I was searching through my bag for my pencilcase (which is still missing,) and it FELL OUT OF MY BAG AND MADE A HUGE CLANG ON THE FUCKING FLOOR.
So my art teacher saw it and demanded to sniff from it. She sniffs it and smells the gin. "Ah it's delicious!" And it's taken to the principle. And here I am silently having a panic attack.
So that's why I got suspended. And almost kicked out of my house, again. -Jacy.
P.S sorry I've been inactive. I've had a lot going on as you can see.