
I believe it is about time to re-write Starlight, I have changed abilities and some story so it would be more interesting to write. I have worked on it for a little bit, and it is quite fun to write. It shall be uploaded after I draw a cover


I believe it is about time to re-write Starlight, I have changed abilities and some story so it would be more interesting to write. I have worked on it for a little bit, and it is quite fun to write. It shall be uploaded after I draw a cover


Hey guys, it's me again. Sorry for my lack of uploading. A Lot has been happening recently, me moving away, having family issues, work. Overall right now isn't a good time for me to release a new story. I will TRY my hardest to get Starlight done, at least to the end of its first Ark. I don't know why, but every time I try to write for starlight everything gets kind of convoluted, not for the story but for my mind. If any of you guys have advice for this, please tell me.
          Overhaul just doesn't work, it has the same problems as Starlight does for my mind but WAY worse. I have to balance what these characters will actually do and the story, and it's just not going well. Like I said. I'll try to get back to writing when I can.


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Hey guys, of you all haven't noticed, Overhaul is not going to happen. There is to much shit going on in the world with my move and finding a job and everything, it's just not happening. Sorry for the false hype


          Wow! Been a while since I did that eh? Well I feel like I should post an update.
          Starlight is obviously on hiatus, it is getting harder and harder to write because of lack of motivation for the topic. 
          However, lately I have been running Overhaul as a RPG Campaign, and it is going amazingly! And I haeN ANNOUNCEMENT!
          I shall be uploading a story based off of the new Overhaul called Overhaul: The Wonder Killer! Don't worry the original Overhaul is still under construction, but I feel like this is a good way to get my creative brain out there! I will be posting again 2 days before it gets uploaded (At least the first part). 
          Hope this a good recap and I hope y'all have a great day!


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Holy shit Starlight is at 202 reads!!! That y'all for taking the time to read the story! I'll get back to uploading eventually, currently pre occupied with things.


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@Strange_TGP Holy shit, congrats man! :) 


Greetings Stranglings! Sorry for the dormant weeks without updates, I will be addressing some things in this post so let us get into it.
               1. Starlight's update schedule will be going back to weekly on Wednesday next week, I am finally ready to try a more consistent upload schedule.
               2. Overhaul will be continuing in the future, as well as some other projects down the line. When more than one project gets released, Starlight will go back to every 2 weeks, and they will alternate in updates.
               3. My mental has been getting worse over the last couple of months, so please don't be mad for me missing some updates.
          That should be everything to talk about, feel free to drop a comment if y'all have any questions


@Strange_TGP If you call me a Strangling again I swear to all that is cringe I will trebuchet you into the aether 


Hi Y'all! Sorry for the lack in updates to Starlight recently. I've been doing other projects such as another Overhaul and a story called Krusty Bozo. Also school has been a pain in the ass. Shitty I know. I'll get back to posing next week!