
Hi!! thanks so much for reading and voting for Persuasion In The Pantry!!! i really appreciate your support and I hope that you will continue to enjoy it. would love to read your comments too as feedback is so valued. hope your new year is off too a great start :)


          Just wanted to say thanks for reading Blink. Hope you enjoy the rest of it. Don't forget to comment or vote, we'll always get back to you. (Cos we love it when you do!)
          Steve and Joy @joycronje


@Strange_gurl You got to the end! That makes me super happy, and the fact that you enjoyed it! 
            oh yes @cashjo, should I put it up? haha. I will do that *blushes* erm, would you like me to put it on an altogether new book, or put it at the end of BLINK in the same book?


@Strange_gurl I have a strange feeling he will...I am writing a spin off where Sem goes to get the photo for John when he is in the box. Do you remember Sem comes back cut, scratched and beaten up? Well, this short story is why!
            It's called The Dark Road, hopefully Joy will be so kind as to put it on her account, just to keep everything together....Joy? @joycronje


@Cashjo I just finished reading the book and I loved it! I can't wait for the next one! Will dark john appear?