Hey! I'm Margot, and I'm doing the 2017 Daily Dose of Happiness Challenge :-) which is a challenge where we compliment a random person on Wattpad every day and today I found you! I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your username. It sounds like a book title to a book I would totally read. That's so crazy creative.
I also super love your profile and background pictures! They are so entrancing and beautiful!
Your bio is so cool. I can tell that your mind is a beautiful place. When I read it, my immediate thought was, "her mind is full of woven dreams, diamond eyes, and the wonder of stars". I honestly don't know where that came from, but it just popped into my head.
So always remember, even on your worst days, there's a random girl on the internet that thinks you're really cool. ;-)
If you want to join in on the challenge, more details are in the 2017 Daily Dose of Happiness Challenge book on @Paint_splatt's profile. Thanks and have a day worthy of your amazingness!
Much love,