
this message may be offensive
          	I forgot about my wattpad account for over months. I didn't read or write any books for over months. Since April I didn't logged in here. But now I'm back! At time I have summer break so I will hopefully have more time to read and obviously write my books. Idk when I will continue my books but it will be soon. I just have to find any motivation. Sounds easy but it isn't. School had taken me down. I don't want to seek attention of any of you and I don't want to sound like a pick me or something. I just want to tell you guys the truth why I've been so inactive. So where to start. My school is literally just toxic. There are just a few people who are nice and kind to me and my friends. No one likes us but everyone knows us. The most make fun of us just bc we're different. And I barely made it trough that time. It was just terrible. I had few breakdowns and relapsed. Y'all are now questioning yourself: relapsed with what. (TW mention of sh) I relapsed with my self h@rm addiction. I have tryed everything to keep me away from that but I couldn't handle it. I just couldn't. I hope yall are understanding me why I've been so inactive and I hope it's not too bad. I mean I don't think anyone has missed me bc I only have like 20 followers but im proud of that 20 followers tbh.
          	Reminder to everyone: Relapses are absolutely normal. Much people relapse and it's a sign of the healing process. Trust me. Of course at first you think "oh shit I've done it again". But later you will feel better. It's like everything just fells of your shoulders. Of course you have to be careful what you do.
          	I hope y'all are better than me. Feel hugged <3


this message may be offensive
          I forgot about my wattpad account for over months. I didn't read or write any books for over months. Since April I didn't logged in here. But now I'm back! At time I have summer break so I will hopefully have more time to read and obviously write my books. Idk when I will continue my books but it will be soon. I just have to find any motivation. Sounds easy but it isn't. School had taken me down. I don't want to seek attention of any of you and I don't want to sound like a pick me or something. I just want to tell you guys the truth why I've been so inactive. So where to start. My school is literally just toxic. There are just a few people who are nice and kind to me and my friends. No one likes us but everyone knows us. The most make fun of us just bc we're different. And I barely made it trough that time. It was just terrible. I had few breakdowns and relapsed. Y'all are now questioning yourself: relapsed with what. (TW mention of sh) I relapsed with my self h@rm addiction. I have tryed everything to keep me away from that but I couldn't handle it. I just couldn't. I hope yall are understanding me why I've been so inactive and I hope it's not too bad. I mean I don't think anyone has missed me bc I only have like 20 followers but im proud of that 20 followers tbh.
          Reminder to everyone: Relapses are absolutely normal. Much people relapse and it's a sign of the healing process. Trust me. Of course at first you think "oh shit I've done it again". But later you will feel better. It's like everything just fells of your shoulders. Of course you have to be careful what you do.
          I hope y'all are better than me. Feel hugged <3


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Soooo, school is about to begin again. I try to be active but I guess I can't be. When school starts again I'm just so fucked up. I have to make videos for tiktok and youtube, weite my stories on wattpad, meet my friends, make homework and lot of other things. school stresses me so much. I hope y'all are doing better than I do. Feel hugged :) 


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@Stranger_eggo1811 i fucking hate school


Hi guys
          Well, I am back. I will not just give up on wattpad. I can't give it just up, because my school locks our websites. I never give wattpad ever up. On my handy wattpad isn't that good so now I'm logged in on my own IPad and can write and read again. I will continue my stories and will be more active (well I try it). 
          I hope anyone reads this
          bye and stay safe :)


this message may be offensive
I have some bad news...
          Apperently the school has like locked many of my websites. Wattpad too. I have always written and readed on my school IPad bc it was just like easier. Now I can't do it anymore and I have to do it on my phone. What causes, that I don't upload much anymore and don't write so much anymore. I'm really sorry but it's not my fault. I can't do anything about it. The school has took something from me away what I just love and with what I can't live without it. Without wattpad I'm lost. I need it. It sounds dumb but it's true. I try to be active but I really can't be active. My parents don't even know about wattpad and search my phone like every week so it's pretty dumb to be here anyway, but I had to inform y'all about this. I'm not sure if I stay here or if I quit completely. I really don't know. If you don't hear anything about me, then I have quitted.
          Maybe see you soon :)


I am now 1 year on wattpad! Yup it’s almost been 1 year and I still can’t believe it! It feels like yesterday. And now I have 2 published books and 1 private book (comes out soon). The fact that I started reading on wattpad is bc of a friend is just wow. I just wanted to say thank you to m followers and the people who read and vote my book! Thanks to all of you! Without you I probably didn’t even tried on writing book who know ;) 
          Well, I want to make a 1 year special. Any ideas what it could be? But one thing that’s a no-go: face reveal. I just don’t feel comfortable with it and I’m not allowed to. I hope you guys can understand it :)
          Stay safe!


Also… Schule hat ja gestern wieder angefangen… Ich werde nicht viel Zeit zum Schreiben oder überhaupt zum lesen haben. Ich weiß auch jetzt schon das Schule total stressig wird. Alleine schon wegen SpAnIsCh. Wie ich dieses Fach hasse. Aber egal, es geht hier jetzt nicht um Fächer die ich nicht mag. Wie schon gesagt ich werde nicht viel Zeit zum Schreiben haben. Nothing ever lasts forever wird wahrscheinlich erstmal pausiert. Ja ich weiß ich habe gesagt ich schreibe es weiter, und das mache ich ja auch nur jetzt erstmal nicht. Ich habe noch ein fertiges Buch my worst nightmare, allerdings muss ich dort noch die Rechtschreibung und Grammatik verbessern. Das Buch hat nur 1 kapitel, da ich zu faul bin mehrere zu machen, und da ich nicht sehr kreativ bin im kapitelnamen aussuchen. Das Buch hat aber auch so um die 25.000 Wörter ;) In dem Buch schreibe ich über einen (Alb)traum von mir, welcher in stranger things staffel 4 ist. Ja ich habe wirklich davon geträumt. Wird aber erst wahrscheinlich in ca nem Monat oder so rauskommen. Muss ich mal gucken. 
          So dann ist ja auch noch mein neues Buch da. Jup falls es manche von meinen deutschen followers noch nicht mitbekommen haben: Ich habe erinnertes Buch gestartet was von der storyline bei staffel 3 und 4 spielen Word. Vielleicht später auch noch staffel 5 (entweder wenn sie dann rauskommt oder ich denke mir selbst was aus). Das Buch heißt one summer can change everything. Den Namen habe ich eigentlich nur wegen staffel 3 gewählt. Das Buch ist eine ff von Max übrigends. Falls wer Interesse hat kann er ja mal reinschauen (würde mich sehr freuen). An dem Buch werde ich so gut es geht auch versuchen weiter zu schreiben. Auch wenn bei nothing ever lasts forever mehr Leute warten das ich es weiter schreibe aber es macht nicht so viel Spaß das Buch zu schreiben wie one summer can change everything. 
          Ich versuche so schnell wie möglich zu updaten, kann aber leider nichts versprechen! Bleibt gesund und passt auf euch auf!


I have a question to all stranger things fans: Should I do an English stranger things book? Bc I only made a German one. Idk in which season I should do it so you guys could say. Im about to write a German book of all seasons. But idk if season 1 too. 
          So it’s on you guys.
          Should I make one? And when yes in which season? 
          Ohh and I don’t upload fast so please be patient.


@ Stranger_eggo1811  okayy.Stress dich nicht zu sehr <333


@Side_dish_Chan Ok, muss mal schauen. Habe vielleicht vor im englischen und im deutschen alle Staffeln zu schreiben. Aber muss mal schauen, wie das mit der Schule und allem klappt.