
Week 2 at the College 


I'm sorry if I haven't updates any chapters or fanfics for a long time, recently I got an offer to continue studying which is Graphic design. So throughout this year and next year, I will be busy with my college stuff and also in this month, I will go to college. I will be in college for 2 years and 4 months for my diploma and I'm sure I will be busy during those years, you know assignment and all. So what I want to tell you is, the time to update new chapters and new fanfics may be interrupted due to me studying. But don't worry, I will try my best to update more chapters and fanfics little by little. I hate to say this but you all might wait a long time for new updates and I hate leaving you to wait for new updates.. Sorry!


@StrangesThirdEye it's okay. We'll be waiting for you ❤️


Just got my right arm sprained while celebrating my fine exams results..i can't sleep better cuz of the pain..heh. Anywayyyyyy the next chapter for Unspoken Love is on the way! Lost in Time And Space next chapters is still on hold but in progress


@EmKay570 hehe I'm just too happy for my result heh.. Thank you! 


@StrangesThirdEye aw boo haha I'm super happy for your end of exams but I hope you're ok too haha <3


it's been 4 days without me publishing any new chapters because in those 4 days a lot of things happening which is not concerning because well... I have spent 2 months of my school time and I have already graduated from high school soo obviously I will spend my time at my house and have a lot of free time right.. But not everything is forever because i myself need to find a job just to get extra money for the sake of future education.. So in those 4 days, i myself trying to find a job and guess what.. I just sent my application form to the bookstore near my house.. Just right now I'm waiting for their response.. Let say that if I got the job, chances are my time to update new chapters will be disrupted. So the reason I'm telling you this is because I just want to say that I'm sorry if I haven't updated any new chapters in my two books. 


@StrangesThirdEye hey, its alright!! take all the time you need <<33




@StrangesThirdEye hey don't even worry about it! Life is important, and ofc letting us know is very nice but sometimes life takes priority and THATS OK! I wish you gl with the job hunting and we shall be here waiting for whenever you have time to write <3


Oh hoy! Dhani here! Sorry for the lack of updates for both books of mine.. I'm at my grandma's house celebrating Eid al-Fitr soooo the internet is soO low and i can't even open any social media because of it.. So just want to tell you that both books of mine is 'on hold' until this Sunday ehhh? HAPPY EID AL-FITR TO ALL MUSLIMS! 


@StrangesThirdEye Happy Eid Al Fitr from a non Muslim <3