
@shaaronh herrroo :D


@Strawberriieex At midnight, the wind was howling, the tree outside your window screeches the glass. You're unable to sleep and sat up straight. You stared blankly towards your wall and slowly your eyes begin to adjust the darkness. It was a eerie and terrible night. You've tried to reach over to your night stand but your ipod was no where to be felt. So you've decided to turn on your lamp but the lamp couldn't turn on. Then suddenly a voice said "Anna...Open your window~"  Goosebumps began to pop out of your delicate skin beneath your comfy pjs. You rubbed your arms and then decided that you are hearing things. So you sighed in defeat and returned back to bed, two hands over your ears. Then there were more screeching noises outside your window. Then it began again, "Anna...Open the window~ Anna." You slowly twisted your body around towards the window and peeked out of your covers...