Christian friends(Still deciding the name) if you got some names for me, please talk to me on the comments
The story will be about a girl called Amy a boy Chase
Amy enters a new school along with becoming a new born Christian two months ago. At her old school, when she converted to Christianity, her friends made fun of her and made her feel like a outcast from her inner circle which led her to the loss friendships so her new school, she trusts in Gods plan and know that he will bring friends who will encourage her with her faith and her walk with the lord.
Chase wakes up another day of life, re thinking if he wants to live because he doubted God even though he was supposed to be grateful with everything he has. Chase doesnt have friends because God removed them because they weren’t helping him with his faith and they werent encourage him with uplifting words but instead used swearing to threaten him, he loses hope because he doesnt know what to do anymore