Sorry for being gone from writing for over 2 years guys first off I got diagnosed with bipolar depression then I was really depressed and tried to overdose but it didn’t work so they took me to the hospital also I had an identity crisis and just a crisis in general and couldn’t come back on here other than that my uncle and dog also died so I had to take some time off to deal with all of that, me and my grandma also got into a massive argument and she kicked me out the house so I had to literally be homeless until my dad came and picked me up from across the world on top of that I developed an energy drink and skittle addiction and an eating disorder also my gf dumped me and my stepdad touched me up so I had to take off time from social media as a whole and to get back on my feet but I’ll write something soon trust
@StrawberryCheezkake cara, eu não sabia que tu tava passando por toda essa merda. Sinto muito pelo que você passou e está passando. A gente te ama muito, leva o seu tempo e boa sorte com as coisas aí :D